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ICCV 2025 Call for Workshops


For any questions, please contact the workshop chairs (Maria Vakalopoulou, Vítor Albiero, Boqing Gong, Seunghoon Hong, and James Tompkin) via


See the workshop FAQ.

Time and Place

Proposal submission deadline: Mar 13, 2025 11:59 PM AOE or

Notification of acceptance: Apr 18, 2025

Workshop dates: October 19-20th 2025

Location: Hawaii, Honolulu - Hawaii Convention Center


We solicit proposals for workshops that will be held together with the International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV) 2025 in Honolulu, Hawaii.

We welcome proposals on emerging topics that are anticipated not to be fully explored in the main conference. The purpose of workshops is to provide a comprehensive forum and encourage in-depth discussion of various technical, application, and community issues in our research field. Workshop registration, venue, as well as proceedings will be handled as part of the main conference by the ICCV organizers.

Since both space and time are limited, we expect the selection process to be competitive. The Chairs will evaluate the submissions on the basis of several criteria, among which are the topic coverage and relevance, the proposers’ credentials, the diversity in the organizing team and speakers, as well as the interested audience. Proposers may be asked to provide additional information, modify part of the proposals, reduce to a half day, or combine with another workshop.

There will be a camera-ready deadline for the workshop papers, beyond which no paper can be included in the proceedings. The proposers must come with a submission/review schedule that meets this deadline if you need papers in the official proceedings.

Submission guidelines

Proposals should be in PDF format and limited to 5 pages (excluding references) using this ICCV template. Submit this to the Chairs using this form

Please include:
  • Workshop title and acronym.
  • Primary contact name and email.
  • Relevant keywords summarizing workshop topic.
  • Workshop duration (half day or full day)
  • Anticipated audience size
  • Requested number of poster boards
  • Whether papers will be published in proceedings
  • Any special space or equipment requests.
In the PDF, please elucidate:
  • Topics that will be covered, audience, and relevance to the computer vision community.
  • All proposers’ names, titles, and affiliations.
  • Experience that makes the proposers well suited for organizing the workshop.
  • Names and bios of any tentative/confirmed invited speakers. Please list only speakers that have confirmed or tentatively confirmed their attendance, For each speaker, (a) please indicate if confirmation is tentative or final, (b) provide a link to their homepage, and (c) explain their relevance to the workshop. We recommend finding invited speakers who will not give the same talk at multiple workshops; otherwise, the workshops may be asked to merge.
  • How diverse the organizing team and speakers are (gender, race, seniority, affiliations).
  • Rough program schedule (e.g., half- or full-day, estimated numbers of orals, posters, and invited talks). Include details of any paper submissions, competitions, or special logistics.
  • Consideration of potential broader impacts, including social and ethical impacts, of workshop topic and the incorporation of those considerations into the workshop itself.
  • Description of how this proposal relates to previous workshops at CVPR/ICCV/ECCV (be as specific as possible).

Advertisement, budget & registration

Workshop organizers are responsible for the scientific organization and advertising of the event and the definition of the workshop program. ICCV local arrangements will provide and pay for rooms, coffee breaks, and A/V equipment. All other activities with budget implications are the responsibility of workshop organizers. Workshop registration will follow the passport system: ICCV  attendees will register for workshops through the ICCV conference registration form.